The Restoration Settlement


A Levels History Mind Map on The Restoration Settlement, created by ellecspo on 04/13/2014.
Mind Map by ellecspo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ellecspo almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Restoration Settlement
  1. Work of two bodies: Convention and Cavalier Parliament hence was the foundation for the early years of CII's reign.
    1. Indemnity
      1. Promised in Breda a general pardon, with P deciding who would be excluded.
        1. In the Indemnity Debates - R† called for widespread venegance
          1. In the end only 30 men were excluded
          2. Indemnity Act (29 August 1660) necessary:
            1. C needed army to disband
              1. Needed money from City of London
                1. Needed support of political elite, many of whom were P†
                  1. Despite the Act, the Restoration was accompanied by bloodletting and persecution
                2. Land Settlement
                  1. Disbanding the army
                    1. Constitution
                      1. Finance
                        1. Religion
                          1. Militia
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