Applied business - ICT within a business


Mind Map on Applied business - ICT within a business, created by louise.howard22 on 04/14/2014.
Mind Map by louise.howard22, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by louise.howard22 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Applied business - ICT within a business
  1. Computerised accounting system
    1. Personal computers
      1. Linking through the internet
        1. Emailing
          1. Easy to enter details
            1. Log in accounts for customers
              1. Online
              2. Advantages
                1. Fewer errors because calculations are done automatically
                  1. Paperwork cant get lost because its recorded automatically on the system and is usually emailed rather than through the post
                    1. Quick to produce
                      1. Money is saved
                        1. Customers can log in to accounts and check documents
                          1. Extra passwords and codes can be added to stop unwanted people viewing the information
                          2. Disadvantages
                            1. Costs a lot to set up
                              1. Takes up a lot of time for set up
                                1. Not worth it for small companies
                                  1. Viruses and problems can occur
                                    1. Hackers can change documents and destroy thing
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