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Mind Map on Parliament, created by dordorftw on 04/15/2014.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
House of Commons
Executive members of legislature
Too much power?
Enacts legislation
functions may conflict - MP's representative area may want something his government policy is against
Hold executive to account
Authorise and control taxation and expenditure
Represent the people
650 MPs
Speaker - Independent chair of the house
Whips - Party officials who maintain party discipline
Leader who controls the management of time
Legislative Process
First reading - title read out
Second reading - chance for parliament to reject the bill
Committee stage - detailed scrutiny of the bill, usually by a standing committee of 16-50 MPs
Report stage - whole house considers amendments made by the committee
Third reading - general debate on the bill
Scrutiny of the executive
Debates - topic usually chosen by opposition
Parliamentary questions - Written and oral
e.g. Prime Ministers questions
Parliamentary committee system - membership is proportionate to the party strength in the commons
Roll of backbench MPs
Voting, debating, questions, committee membership, gievances of constituents
House of Lords
Federal state
Protect constitution
Questions controversial legislation
Parliament Act 1911
Removed HoL ability to veto money bills
HoC can overrule veto after 3 sessions
Parliament Act 1949
Amended 1911 act for reduce veto time to 2 sessions
Life Peerages Act 1958
Enabled appointment based on merit rather than hereditary
Includes people with expertise
House of Lords Act 1999
Hereditary peers no longer have the right to sit and vote in HoL
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