Battle of the Somme


A-Level History (Road to WW1) Mind Map on Battle of the Somme, created by gracermyers on 04/15/2014.
Mind Map by gracermyers, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gracermyers almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Battle of the Somme
  1. Deaths
    1. Britain 420,000
      1. 60,000 in the first day
        1. Worst fighting day in British history
      2. France 200,000
        1. Germany 500,000
        2. events
          1. Started July 1st 1916
            1. Finished November 1916
            2. Artillery bombardment for 7 days and nights
              1. 1,738,000 shells fired at Germany to destroy trenches and barbed wire
                1. 35 mile strip took 5 months
                2. Failures
                  1. Bombardment didnt work
                    1. Dud shells
                      1. Wire became more tangled
                        1. Germans were well dug in
                        2. Waited 10 minutes from bombardment to start advance
                          1. This gave the Germans the time to advance
                          2. Soldiers executed for not obeying rules
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