Hotter than That Commentary


A Levels Music Mind Map on Hotter than That Commentary, created by sewingandmore on 04/15/2014.
Mind Map by sewingandmore, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sewingandmore almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Hotter than That Commentary
  1. Introduction
    1. 8 bars
      1. final 8 bars of 32
        1. New Orleans polyphony texture
          1. short phrases in trumpet
            1. clarinet countermelody
              1. further back- less audible
              2. trombone tailgate style
                1. glissando upto sustained semibreves
              3. chorus 1
                1. clarinet + trombone drop out
                  1. rhythm section accompany trumpet solo
                    1. accents make syncopated upbeat stand out
                      1. phrases over 8ve
                        1. showcasing Armstrongs range
                        2. rip to high Bb
                          1. 2nd half more virtuosic + varied
                            1. final phrase lip trill on sustained high G
                            2. Chorus 2
                              1. Johnny Dodd clari solo
                                1. first note smear
                                  1. add blues feel
                                  2. high range
                                    1. bright, assertive tone
                                      1. terminal vibrato
                                        1. emphasise strong crotchet beats
                                          1. contrast to Armstrong solo
                                          2. accompanied by banjo + piano
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