7.Munich Putsch 1923


History (Germany) Mind Map on 7.Munich Putsch 1923, created by tasnimkhan on 04/15/2014.
Mind Map by tasnimkhan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tasnimkhan almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

7.Munich Putsch 1923
  1. Weimar Republic seemed weak
    1. Hitler planning to overthrow by firstly taking control of Bavaria
    2. Hitler's soldiers occupied Beer Hall in Munich where local government leaders were meeting - announced start of revolution
      1. Next day Hitler marched into Munich with Ludendorff to rescue Rohm supported by several thousand armed men but revolt collapsed when police turned up. 16 Nazi's died
        1. Number of people involved made the Nazi's seem like a threat when in fact they had little popular support
          1. Bavarian leaders went back on promise and ordered army to attack Ernst Rohm and SA
            1. Hitler and Ludendorff arrested
            2. Hitler's Trial
              1. lasted 24 days
                1. front page news - received lots of publicity
                  1. Judges impressed by what they heard
                    1. Ludendorff free with Hitler trialed to 5 years with chance of parole
                      1. viewed as honest person
                        1. Served Landsberg's fortress, conditions not hard
                          1. as many visiters
                          2. only served 9 months
                            1. wrote Mein Kampf describing ideas of politics, history race and future of Germany
                              1. released Dec 1924
                                1. gained publicity
                                  1. used this to sell his propaganda
                                  2. Nazi party had time off radar so could reorganise and become strategic
                                    1. banned for 2 years
                                  3. He decided to overthrow the government with the help of the Bavarian leaders, he planned to march to Berlin to head of SA he was sure people would join him
                                    1. Lundendorff failed Hitler by contacting people and having armed forces to stop Hitler's march
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