
Sociology 1 Mind Map on FEMINISM, created by abbie.ryall on 04/16/2014.
Mind Map by abbie.ryall, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abbie.ryall over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. DIFFERENCE FEMINISM: E.g. black feminists. They see all other feminists as wrong. They think they generalise women into one group. Black women face racism as well as gender innequality in the wider society. The family is a safe haven away from the outside discriminative world.
    1. LIBERAL FEMINISM: More optimistic and recognise that things are improving and looking up. Somerville: political lesbianism is unrealistic due to heterosexual attractions. They see innequality in every institution and this is due to socialisation. They want equality of opportunities for men and women in society.
      1. RADICAL FEMINISM: Focus on the problem of patriarchy, want to move from patriarchy to matriarchy. NF represses women and limits their opportunities. See men as the problem, Greer: men are the enemy. They look at vertical and horizontal segregation. They also want political lesbianism: completley moving away from men as women are sleeping with the enemy. Believe in liberation (freedom from men)
        1. MARXIST FEMINISM: Take a marxist approach to womens interests and the study of women. They see women as doubly exploited as workers and women. They focus on exploitation of women by men. Women do unpaid work at home which benefits the ruling class as they dicipline children ready for the workforce to earn money for the bourgeiosie. Women are seen as a 'reserve army labour' they are dragged in when needed then thrown back into domestic roles. Benston: women are exploited as workers.
          1. DUAL BURDEN: Women doing paid and domestic work.
            1. TRIPLE SHIFT: Women having to do emotional, domestic and paid work
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