Why the USA fought in the Spanish American War


Mind Map on Why the USA fought in the Spanish American War, created by Bethan Stevenson on 04/16/2014.
Bethan Stevenson
Mind Map by Bethan Stevenson, updated more than 1 year ago
Bethan Stevenson
Created by Bethan Stevenson almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Why the USA fought in the Spanish American War
  1. 1895- Cuban Nationalists revolt against Spain's rule
    1. Spain's army stopped revolt
      1. USA angry at Spain's tough ways
        1. support for a US intervention increased in Cuba
      2. New York sympathisers with Cubans
      3. USS Maine exploded at Havana harbour
        1. evidence suggested an internal explosion
          1. the Spanish were blamed
            1. mainly an excuse for war
          2. 'Yellow Press'- popular press waged extravagant newspaper campaign
            1. William Rudolf Hearst- owned a lot of the papers
              1. encouraged by big business and politicians- led by Roosevelt (assistant secretary of the Navy)
            2. Feb 1898
            3. War was wanted more than negotiation
              1. USA invaded Cuba
                1. quick victory- few dead/ injured
                  1. Roosevelt became national hero
                    1. resigned his government job
                      1. led the 'Rough Riders'- volunteer group
                        1. during Havana siege
                          1. made sure there was media coverage
                  2. Treaty of Paris-Spain made peace
                    1. 1902- Cuba was an American protectorate
                      1. protectorate- a state or territory partly controlled by a stronger state
                      2. USA had military rule over Cuba
                      3. the war was used to annex other Spanish territories
                        1. US press and politicians showed imperialist triumphs
                          1. Hawaii annexed- had good location as naval base
                            1. annexed Spanish possessions in the Caribbean and Pacific; Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippine islands became- virtual US colonies
                            2. supress 1899 Filipino revolt
                              1. Nationalist rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo
                                1. US officials gained their support
                                  1. officials promised Filipino independance
                                    1. soon became clear that this wasn't going to happen
                                2. 1902- US military stepped in
                                  1. US conquest of the Philippines caused US controversy
                                    1. called the Filipino people 'little brown brothers'
                                      1. created new imperialist policy
                                        1. betrayed freedom and equality ideology
                                          1. the government were attacked for deserting the anti-colonial traditions of the founding fathers
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