A Horse and Two Goats


Mind Map on A Horse and Two Goats, created by kitty.kat.k on 04/16/2014.
Mind Map by kitty.kat.k, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kitty.kat.k almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

A Horse and Two Goats
  1. Opening
    1. Gradually increasing proximity
      1. Emphasises unimportance
        1. 'microscopic
      2. Isolated
        1. Geographically
          1. Economically
            1. 'far from the highway'
              1. Poverty
              2. 'the Big House' 'brick and cement'
                1. awe of locals
                  1. Compared to 'mud'
              3. 'crown'
                1. Ironic given economic state
                  1. Gap between aspiration and reality
                  2. 'last house in the 4th street'
                    1. Low status
                      1. 'barren couple'
                  3. Muni's character
                    1. 'mud pot'
                      1. Gap between reader's life and Muni's
                        1. Insight to lifestyle
                          1. American doesn't possess
                        2. Anonymity of Wife
                          1. Expected to beat her
                            1. Shocks reader, contrast to West
                            2. 'he thrashed her only a few times'
                              1. 'go out'
                                1. Imperatives show authority
                              2. Loss
                                1. 'flock of 40 sheep'
                                  1. 'sallied forth'
                                    1. Confidence, purpose
                                    2. 'f'-comfort
                                      1. 'gawky goats'
                                        1. 'g'-harsh, glutteral
                                      2. no children
                                        1. 'fertility brought merit'
                                      3. Simple
                                        1. 'knew 5 and 10 by their colours'
                                          1. Negligent, allowed depreciation
                                          2. 'weakly'
                                            1. Sympathy
                                              1. Contrast to shopkeeper's agression
                                                1. 'sneered'
                                            2. Contrast of cultures
                                              1. Poor state of village
                                                1. 'ravages of sun and wind'
                                                  1. Dilapidation and neglect
                                                2. 'new sort of vehicle coming down at full speed'
                                                  1. Modernisation of India
                                                    1. Velocity of invasion
                                                      1. New, recent
                                                      2. 'stopped and spluttered'
                                                        1. Imperfect
                                                      3. 'red-faced foreigner'
                                                        1. Unable to cope with heat
                                                          1. Flustered about lack of petrol
                                                            1. Inquisitiveness
                                                              1. 'stopping, looking and poking'
                                                                1. Contrasts to Muni's inactivity
                                                            2. 'souvenir sellers
                                                              1. Viewed by West as comodity
                                                              2. 'chaste'
                                                                1. Purity, without corruption
                                                                2. 'warrant'
                                                                  1. dangerous land of violence
                                                                    1. Contrasts American travelling fearlessly
                                                                3. Comedy of negotiations
                                                                  1. Unrelated questions
                                                                    1. 'Why don't you sell it to me?' 'Do you know Mahabharata?'
                                                                      1. Muni: Religion
                                                                        1. American: business staus
                                                                        2. Value of statue
                                                                          1. Party piece
                                                                            1. last defence against modernisation erroded
                                                                            2. Passed down though generations
                                                                              1. 'grandfather'
                                                                                1. Preservation of Tamil culture
                                                                            3. Ending
                                                                              1. 'his fortune for the day'
                                                                                1. Temporary wealth
                                                                                  1. Melancholic
                                                                                2. Wife's suspicion
                                                                                  1. Rapidity of questions
                                                                                    1. No heroic welcome
                                                                                    2. Farce-like
                                                                                      1. 'bleating outside'
                                                                                        1. Talking to goats
                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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