

Mind Map on Judaism, created by vcsheldon on 04/18/2014.
Mind Map by vcsheldon, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by vcsheldon almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Background
    1. A 'living' religion - allows for interpretation
      1. 4,000+ years ago Abraham didn't agree with Polytheism - so family became 1st Jews
        1. Jesus was a Jew
          1. One of the oldest religions
          2. Beliefs
            1. One God (monotheistic)
              1. Old Testament given complete to Moses on Mount Sinai (Egypt) 3000 years ago +10 commandments
                1. God promised Israel to Abraham's descendants
                2. Tradition, rituals, home, family and community all v. important
                  1. Taught to help others, live good lives, right and wrong, how to live together, etc.
                3. Sacred Texts
                  1. Tenakh = Hebrew Bible
                    1. Contains Torah (5 books of Moses), Books of the Prophets and Books of Writings
                    2. Torah = Teachings
                      1. 1st 5 books of Hebrew Bible, kept in Ark (cupboard) in Synagogue
                        1. Handwritten scrolls, in Hebrew - Read in Synagogue on Saturdays, Mondays and Thursdays
                        2. Nevi'im = Prophets
                          1. Ketuvim = Writings
                          2. Festivals
                            1. 2 categories:
                              1. Post-Biblical history
                                1. Purim
                                  1. The story of Esther and Haman
                                  2. Hanukkah or Chanukah
                                    1. Jewish Festival of Lights (8 days) - God kept lamp burning in Temple
                                  3. Commanded in the Torah
                                    1. The High Holy Days
                                      1. Ten Days of Repentance (Sept/Oct) - Repent any wrongdoing
                                        1. Begins with Rosh Hashanah - New Year
                                          1. 10th day = Yom Kippur - holiest day of year (Day of Attonement)
                                            1. 5 days later = Sukkoth - rememberence
                                        2. The Three Pilgrim Festivals
                                          1. Pesach (Passover)
                                            1. Remembering Jews escape from slavery in Egypt
                                            2. Shavuot
                                              1. Remembering time when God gave Torah to Moses
                                              2. Sukkot
                                                1. Protected by God in desert on way to Promised Land
                                        3. Symbols
                                          1. Magen David
                                            1. Star of David
                                              1. King David's shield
                                              2. Pride and Identity
                                              3. The Menorah
                                                1. 7 branch candle stick
                                                  1. God's presence in Temple of Jerusalem
                                                  2. Mezuzah
                                                    1. "Doorpost" reminder of God's presence
                                                      1. Touch when enter / leaving
                                                    2. Places of Worship
                                                      1. Synagogue = 'to gather together'
                                                        1. Community life
                                                          1. Beit HaKnesset = House of Assembly
                                                            1. Beit T'filah = House of Prayer
                                                              1. Beit Midrash = House of Study
                                                              2. Men & women separate in Orthodox as Talmudic view that women may distract men from prayer
                                                                1. Rabbi = religious teacher not a priest
                                                                  1. May complete pilgrimage to Western Wall of The Temple in Jerusalem - holiest place on earth
                                                                  2. Dress
                                                                    1. Kippah
                                                                      1. Skullcap (males)
                                                                        1. Presence of Almighty above
                                                                          1. Pride and Identity
                                                                          2. Tzit-tzit
                                                                            1. Fringes to wear during prayer.
                                                                              1. Some wear Talit Katan (little tallit) under clothing at al times
                                                                            2. Tallit
                                                                              1. Prayer shawl with 4 corners
                                                                              2. Married women may also cover heads
                                                                                1. Tefillin
                                                                                  1. Weekday prayer boxes to wear at morning prayer
                                                                                2. Food
                                                                                  1. Kosher - code of Kursrut
                                                                                    1. Some prohibited completely, some must be prepared in certain way and some forbidden in certain combinations
                                                                                      1. e.g. no meat and dairy together
                                                                                        1. No pork or shellfish
                                                                                        2. Friday evening - special family meal before Shabbat
                                                                                          1. Father blesses children in turn
                                                                                            1. Kiddush - blessing over the wine in Hebrew
                                                                                              1. Hands washed then share 'challah' (2 symbolic loaves)
                                                                                                1. A reminder of the bread which God sent to ancestors after escape from slavery in Egypt
                                                                                            2. Diversity
                                                                                              1. 2 main groupings in Britain today
                                                                                                1. Ashkenazim Jews (main in Britain)
                                                                                                  1. Origin: Central & Eastern Europe
                                                                                                  2. Sephardim Jews
                                                                                                    1. Origin: Spanish, Portuguese and Middle Eastern
                                                                                                  3. Orthodox (strict) vs. Liberal / Reform or Progressive
                                                                                                  4. Services / Prayer
                                                                                                    1. In Hebrew and some local language
                                                                                                      1. 3 times a day
                                                                                                        1. Shabbat (25 hours through Saturday) devoted to God
                                                                                                          1. Melacha - work prohibited on Shabbat (39 categories)
                                                                                                            1. Ends with Havdalah ceremony - sniff spices, carry sweetness of Shabbat into week
                                                                                                            2. Bar or Bat Mitzvah - at 13 become an adult
                                                                                                              1. Complete Mitzvah project (help others)
                                                                                                              2. Shema Prayer - most holy & important. First prayer children learn.
                                                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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