A Doll's House by Ibsen


International Baccalaureate English Literature Mind Map on A Doll's House by Ibsen, created by Channon Gray on 04/18/2014.
Channon Gray
Mind Map by Channon Gray, updated more than 1 year ago
Channon Gray
Created by Channon Gray almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

A Doll's House by Ibsen
  1. Symbols
    1. The Christmas Treee
      1. New Year's Day
        1. Trantella
        2. Themes
          1. Gender
            1. Appearances
              1. Obligations
              2. Motifs
                1. Nora's defintion of Freedom
                  1. Entrapment vs. Escape
                  2. Letters
                    1. Truth vs. Lies
                      1. Trantella
                        1. Men vs. Women
                          1. Order vs. Chaos
                    2. Action
                      1. Conflict
                        1. Nora's struggle with Krogstad, who threatens hers over the crime! This is most of the plays dramatic suspense. Nora's primary struggle, is against he selfish, stifling and oppressive attitudes of Torvald and the society in which he represents.
                        2. Rising
                          1. Climax
                            1. Falling
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