History - Surgery Important Dates


Mind Map on History - Surgery Important Dates, created by Fred Gill on 04/18/2014.
Fred Gill
Mind Map by Fred Gill, updated more than 1 year ago
Fred Gill
Created by Fred Gill almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

History - Surgery Important Dates
  1. 1840's
    1. 1846 - Morton used ether to anaesthetise a patient in the USA.
      1. 1846 -Liston used ether during amputation in Britain.
        1. 1847 - Simpson used chloroform.
          1. 1848 -Hannah Greener died while receiving chloroform.
          2. 1850's
            1. 1853 - Queen Victoria received chloroform during childbirth.
            2. 1860's
              1. 1861 - Pasteur's germ theory.
                1. 1867 - Lister used carbolic acid.
                2. 1870's
                  1. 1877 - Lister became Professor of Surgery and published his ideas about antiseptics.
                    1. 1878 - Koch developed the steam steriliser.
                    2. 1900's
                      1. 1901 - Landsteiner identified blood groups.
                        1. 1905 - Novocaine used as an anaesthetic.
                        2. 1910's
                          1. 1916 - Rous and Turner developed a way of storing blood.
                            1. 1916 - Gilles set up a plastic surgery unit at Aldershot.
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