Spanish Civil War - Practices


Spanish Civil War Mind Map on Spanish Civil War - Practices, created by emilymartin210 on 04/19/2014.
Mind Map by emilymartin210, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emilymartin210 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Spanish Civil War - Practices
  1. The war was very bitter.
    1. Life and death struggle for ideas.
      1. Total domestic committment
        1. Foreigners not as committed.
          1. Invested Limited resources
        2. Foreshadowing to WWII - bitter, violent, no compromise
        3. War began with military take over.
          1. Sanjuro, Quiepo, Goded, Mola and eventually Franco. But Goded and Sanjuro died leaving mainly Quiepo, Mola and Franco.
            1. Controlled 5 cities, 1/4 of the mainland
              1. Franco brought in Moroccan troops.
            2. Barcelona and madrid stayed loyal to the republic.
              1. Much of the army was loyal to the republic
              2. Rebels only had a chance because everyone in government was so divided they couldn't get anything together.
              3. Major Campaign = siege of Madrid
                1. October - November (1936)
                  1. Nationalists had troops, rebels had volunteers
                    1. Heroics became legend.
                      1. Nationalists failed, but kept trying.
                        1. Republicans struggled to hold Madrid.
                          1. Launched counter attacks.
                        2. Republicans - Failed attacks, loss of men and supplies, etc.
                          1. Franco drove through Republican territory to the sea.
                            1. Republicans tried to retaliate, but it didn't go too well. Nationalists held their ground.
                            2. By 1938, the end of the war wasn't a doubt.
                              1. Nationalists took Barcelona.
                                1. Franco had become the dominant ruler of Spain
                                2. Franco had German and Italian planes behind him, more tech.
                                  1. This aircraft used showed how the air would play a huge role in the upcoming WWII
                                    1. Bombing leads to total war that affects the whole country and all of its people, even civilians.
                                  2. Homefront:
                                    1. Propaganda was used to get support, it was a war of ideals so propaganda was very important.
                                      1. Because it was a total war, this war definitely impacted civilians.
                                        1. Did lead to some social changed, such as more rights for women.
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