

Mind Map on Structure, created by connie3597 on 04/19/2014.
Mind Map by connie3597, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by connie3597 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary



  • Structure shows how the significant parts of a text form a whole. This can be through the connection between chapters, time or verses.
  1. Tennyson
    1. Lady of Shalott
      1. Parts I and IV
        1. outside
          1. the outside world
            1. trapping parts II and III
              1. even the structure encloses the Lady
              2. The world's perception?
              3. Parts II and III
                1. about the Lady
                  1. trapped
                    1. Limbo?
                      1. Purgatory
                    2. the separate parts show dividing lines?
                      1. Water - Land
                        1. Life - Death
                          1. Weather: Harvest - Winter
                            1. Life and art?
                              1. Lady as the artist
                                1. isolated from daily life
                                2. artist meets the everyday world, looses vision
                                  1. sees the outside world and Lancelot, then dies
                              2. rhyme scheme
                                1. makes it seem like a ballad
                                  1. telling story of unhappy lover
                              3. Mariana
                                1. 7 stanzas
                                  1. 7 days?
                                    1. 7th stanza - Sunday
                                      1. Religious day
                                        1. she seems suicidal
                                          1. "oh God that I were dead!"
                                          2. the day she is sinful
                                    2. rhyme scheme
                                      1. constant
                                        1. strong meter, like a chant
                                        2. incremental repetition
                                    3. Keats
                                      1. La Belle Dame Sans Merci
                                        1. 12 stanzas
                                          1. the 12 seasons
                                            1. harvest - meadows - cold hill's side
                                              1. goes full cycle
                                                1. Happens to this knight, then happens to another
                                                  1. unknown narrator at the beginning the previous victim?
                                            2. rhyme scheme
                                              1. ABCD
                                                1. regular stanzaic form
                                                2. ballad
                                                  1. tells story of unhappy love
                                                  2. Mesmeric
                                                    1. like a spell or chant
                                                      1. mimics the spell the knight has been put under
                                                        1. link to lotos eaters
                                                          1. choric song has a similar rhyming pattern
                                                3. The Eve of St Agnes
                                                  1. iambic pentameter
                                                    1. mimics the spoken voice
                                                      1. aural tale passed down through generations
                                                        1. extension of the ninth line
                                                      2. Spenserian stanza
                                                        1. concluding hexameter line
                                                    2. Enduring Love
                                                      1. Appendices
                                                        1. allow alternative endings
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