USA 1917-29


Mind Map on USA 1917-29, created by Nathan Vaughan on 04/19/2014.
Nathan Vaughan
Mind Map by Nathan Vaughan, updated more than 1 year ago
Nathan Vaughan
Created by Nathan Vaughan almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

USA 1917-29
  1. America's industry and farming had been growing steadily since the 1860s; they had huge resources (timber, coal, oil, iron); had a growing population with immigrants willing to work hard; railway, mining and manufacturing sectors were doing really well and they believed in 'rugged individualism'.
    1. The Boom
      1. America began to mass produce so it didn't cost as much to make a lot of Products. This meant they could sell them at lower prices. Therefore more people bought them (BOOM)
        1. Tariffs were introduced to encourage people to buy locally. This kept more money circulating in America's own economy
          1. As America's economy grew people were employed to build skyscrapers which provided a lot of jobs and wages went up
            1. More people had more money, more money in economy = economic growth
              1. 'Hire purchase' scheme - people weren't bothered about being in debt to companies and borrowed money to buy radios, vacuum cleaners, cars etc.
            2. Women
              1. Vote
                1. In 1918, American women were finally given the right to vote
                  1. Men thought that women's role was to stay at home with the children cooking and cleaning
                    1. The vote gave women equal rights to men
                    2. Work
                      1. Women didn't have equal pay to men even when doing the same job
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