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L2 learning teaching styles
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Grammar translation
Study of Latin
Abstract tool for academic research
Memorising grammatical rules
Accuracy greatly stressed
Learners would translate into target language
Teacher dominated
Learners cannot communicate in L2
Direct Method
L2 as leafed form the study of child language acquisition
Translation completely unnecessary
Association between L2 and object shown by teacher
Teacher led
Presented totally in L2
Learners figure out grammatical rules as they progressed
correct pronunciation was insisted upon- drilling
Teachers must be native speakers
Proficiency in reading and writing skills excluded
content was in everyday context
Audio Lingual
1940's - US government
Military personnel must increase fluency in L2
from behavioural psychology
seen as habits enforced by making the correct responses
Speaking and listening was the most important skills
input of short dialogues and then drilling
heard and memorised with correct pronunciation
comprehension not important
Communicative Approach
wider perspective on language
early 80's - meaning essential and accuracy was secondary
learners learn through trail and error
Learner becomes more active in learning process
teacher is provider of beneficial environment
reading + writing = speaking + listening
Natural way
prof Steven Krashen
Teach L2 as children learn mother language
learners learn at own input rate
Learner will have passive understanding before actually using new skills
Comprehension precedes pronunciation
Humanistic Approcah
learner/teacher relationship are re-examinded
Learner is encouraged to take responsibility for learning
Learners can help decide what and when they will learn
Teacher is concerned about well being of learner as a whole
Students draw from own life experiences
Music is played in clas to generate soothing and relaxing atmosphere
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