International Agreements in the 1920s


GCSE History Mind Map on International Agreements in the 1920s, created by grugen3 on 04/20/2014.
Mind Map by grugen3, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by grugen3 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

International Agreements in the 1920s
  1. The Locarno Agreements 1925
    1. Under these agreements Germany accepted its western border as set out in the Treaty if Versailles.
      1. When news was announced in France, church bells were rung, fireworks were set off and celebrations carried on into the night.
        1. France felt that it was finally being given some guarantee of border security. Germany has shown some more good will towards France than ever before.
      2. The Kellogg-Briand pact 1928
        1. The Kellogg-Briand pact, 3 years after Locarno, was when 65 nations agreed to condemn war as a means to solving international disputes.
          1. The pact itself didn't actually confirm what would happen if a country broke the agreement nor did the agreement help with disarmament.
            1. The states were told to keep their armies for self defence
            2. Economic Recovery
              1. After the difficult days of the early 1920s, Europe was slowly recovering economically.
                1. The Dawes Plan in 1924 had helped Germany's economic chaos and had also helped to get the economies of Britain and France moving again.
                  1. The recovery of trading relationships between these countries ease down tension
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