Mathematics Didactics


Mind Map on Mathematics Didactics, created by Glen Morris on 04/21/2014.
Glen Morris
Mind Map by Glen Morris, updated more than 1 year ago
Glen Morris
Created by Glen Morris almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Mathematics Didactics
  1. Developing understanding
    1. Problem solving
      1. Advantages


        • Seven advantages: 1. Places the focus of students attention on ideas and sense making. 2.Develops the belief in students that they are capable of doing maths and that math makes sense 3. Provides ongoing assessment data that can be used to make instructional decisions, help learners suceed, and inform parents. 4. Develops mathematical power. 5.Allows an entry point for a wide range of learners. 6. Engages learnrs so that there are fewer disipline problems 7. It's fun
        1. Developing problem solvers


          • Teacher develops problem solvers by: 1. Create a maths environment 2. Pose worthwhile Math tasks 3. Use models and calculators 4. Use writing and discourse as thinking tools 5. Encourage cooperative learning groups 6. Require justification of learner responses 7. Listen actively
          1. Problem solving lesson
            1. Before phase
              1. Teacher


                • Activate prior knowledge Be sure problem is understood Establish expectations
                1. Student


                  • Get ready - connect to personal experiences - understand the problem
                2. During phase
                  1. Teacher


                    • Lets go Notice students math thinking provide appropriate support Provide worthwhile extensions
                    1. Student


                      • Works
                    2. After phase
                      1. Teacher


                        • Promote math community listen actively without evaluation summarise main ideas and iD future problems
                        1. Students


                          • Class discussion
                        2. Small groups


                          • builds a math community learners collectively establish new ideas from a collection of existing ideas in the group encourages class discussion
                      2. Understanding


                        • Knowing an idea - know about something but cannot really expand on or use it Understanding an idea - when an idea is connected to existing ideas Conceptual knowledge - knowledge that consists of logical relationships constructed internally Procedural knowledge - knowledge of the rules and procedures that one uses in carrying out routine tasks To learn maths with understanding is the measure of the quantity and quality of connections an idea has with existing ideas.
                        1. Constructivism


                          • Students are not blank slates but creators of own learning Through reflective thought people modify existing ideas assimilate accommodate
                          1. Where student are


                            • Teaching should begin with the ideas children already have, the ideas they will use to create new ones
                            1. Metacognition


                              • conscious monitoring and regulation of own thought processes
                            2. Assessment


                              • a continuous planned process gathering info about the performance of learners against Assessment Standards of LO's
                              1. Characteristics


                                • transparent and focused integrated into learning and teaching based on predetermined standards various methods and contexts valid, reliable, fair, student-paced and flexible
                                1. Pruposes


                                  • prior learning diagnostic formative summative systematic
                                  1. continuous assessment


                                    • over a period of time and ongoing supports growth an development provides feedback allows for integrated strategies that cater for learner needs allows for summative assessment
                                    1. Strategies
                                      1. Observation
                                        1. Journals
                                          1. Journals
                                            1. tests
                                              1. portfolios
                                                1. self-assessment
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