Body's Response to Stress & Stress and the Immune System


A Levels PSY2 (Stress) Mind Map on Body's Response to Stress & Stress and the Immune System, created by knmarsden96 on 04/21/2014.
Mind Map by knmarsden96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by knmarsden96 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Body's Response to Stress & Stress and the Immune System
  1. SAM pathway (fast acting, acute stress)
    1. hypothalamus activates sympathetic branch of the ANS, stimulating adrenal medulla
      1. This leads to the release of adrenaline & noradrenaline (fight or flight response e.g. increased heart rate, raised blood pressure, sweating)
      2. Parasympathetic branch works afterwards to calm these processes e.g. increased heart rate, building up energy for future use
      3. PAS pathway
        1. hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland to produce hormone ACTH
          1. ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex, producing cortisol
          2. If stress is acute, effects on immune system small, even could have upregulation effect
            1. Chronic stress, however, causes down regulation in immune function because of increase cortisol levels, which cause a shrinkage of the thymus gland
              1. shrinkage of thymus glands means less white blood cells, leaving the body vulnerable to infections e.g. viruses
                1. Kiecolt-Glaser et al
                  1. Blood samples taken from medical students, before final exams (low stress) and during exam period (high stress). Ps also carried out questionnaires to assess social isolation & negative life events.
                    1. White blood cells significantly reduced in high stress condition
                      1. concluded that examination stress reduces immune function
                        1. Evaluation
                          1. - natural experiment, so IV not controlled, cannot infer causal link
                            1. + exam stress is a natural form of stress
                              1. - sample is medical students, unrepresentative
                                1. + natural study, fewer ethical implications
                              2. Cohen et al
                                1. exposed Ps to cold virus, and after 7 days, measured whether they had caught a cold and measured stress via 'stress index score'
                                  1. Evaluation
                                    1. - research is correlational, cannot infer the causal link, other factor could play a part such as smoking and drinking
                                    2. correlation found between stress index score and developing a cold
                                    3. Evaluation of research into stress and the immune system
                                      1. + Useful applications
                                        1. - Reductionist, ignores other factors such as depression & anxiety that are difficult to control
                                          1. - Ignores individual differences such as genetics, age and personality factors
                                            1. + Good experimental support
                                            2. Stress and cardiovascular disorder - increase in heart rate may wear away lining of blood vessels, causing increased risk of atheroma. Person who experiences more chronic stress, more at risk of CHD
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