Mixed Methods


Mind Map on Mixed Methods, created by emilyberry19 on 04/21/2014.
Mind Map by emilyberry19, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by emilyberry19 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Mixed Methods
  1. Triangulation
    1. using multiple sources to converge on the truth
      1. data triangulation
        1. use variety of different data sources
        2. Investigator triangulation
          1. use different researchers to collaborate more info
          2. Theory Triangulation
            1. use of competing theories to interpret a single data set
            2. Methods
              1. combine data collection methods
              2. uses one method to check another
              3. " combining in a single research project several methods of research"
                1. when using mixed methods, they are of equal status
                2. why mixed methods?
                  1. Validity- to support qual and quant data
                    1. Offset- Offset weaknesses of quant and qual data and draw on strengths
                      1. Completeness-more comprehensive account than qual or quant alone
                        1. Explanation- qual can explain, quant the results or vice versea
                        2. Process- Quant provides the outcome, qual the processes
                          1. Unexpected results- surprising results from one, the other explains
                            1. Credibility- both approaches enhance integrity of findings
                              1. Utility- more useful to practioners
                              2. Disadvantages
                                1. difference between knowledge and truth
                                  1. cost
                                    1. Time
                                      1. Investigatory skills
                                        1. Data analysis
                                          1. more is not always better
                                          2. Avoiding a mixed mess
                                            1. 1st define research aims or research question
                                              1. determine approiateness
                                                1. Review literature
                                                  1. why is a single method not adequate
                                                    1. consult colleagues
                                                    2. mixed methods are increasingly common in social research
                                                      1. research methods no longer seem to be autonomous
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