

Psychology (Biological Level Of Analysis) Mind Map on Delville, created by leonie1997 on 04/21/2014.
Mind Map by leonie1997, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by leonie1997 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 2002
    1. Aim: To observe the effects of bullying on the health and brain development of adolescent hamsters.
      1. Male pubescent hamsters placed for one hour a day for two weeks into an adult hamsters cage.
        1. The adult hamster responded with hostility, biting and chasing the adolescent hamsters.
        2. A control group of adolescent male hamsters were placed in an empty unfamiliar cage for one hour a day for two weeks.
          1. Both environment elicited stress reactions in the adolescent hamsters, but the long-term effects of the two kinds of stress were dissimilar.
            1. Cortisol was found to be high in both groups of adolescents during the first day of the experiment.
              1. However the cortisol levels remained elevated for the entier two weeks only in the chased and threatened hamsters.
                1. The bullying was a stressor to which they could not adapt.
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