Government - Somerset


(History) Mind Map on Government - Somerset, created by Callum Mackenzie on 04/22/2014.
Callum Mackenzie
Mind Map by Callum Mackenzie, updated more than 1 year ago
Callum Mackenzie
Created by Callum Mackenzie almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Government - Somerset
  1. How did he rule?
    1. Almost independently
      1. opposition from council members
        1. claimed he was an authoritarian
          1. emphasis on head of government, individuals must submit
          2. William Seymour - His brother was a rival
            1. Warwick supported him in his claim for position (later Northumberland)
          3. Ruled by proclomation
            1. Issued more than 70 in his 3 years.
            2. John Guy - Somerset's rule was autocratic (having/had unlimited power
              1. bypassed privy council, used servants for consultation
                1. sole custody of dry stamp
                  1. Kings signature invalid without his counter signature
                2. Policy
                  1. Social Policy
                    1. Growing concern about poverty
                      1. social injustice
                        1. seen as threat to order/peasant uprisings
                        2. Vagrancy Act (1547)
                          1. officials had to provide housing and collections
                            1. If people were out of work for more than 3 days it was an offence, V stamped on hand, put into slavery for 2 years
                              1. came to be known as "slavery act"
                              2. unpopular with JP's
                                1. never put into place
                                  1. move away from traditional view of Somerset as champion of the poor.
                              3. Finance/Economy
                                1. Henry left state with mass amounts of debt
                                  1. Debasement
                                    1. heavy expenditure
                                      1. debt (100,000 to Antwerp money market
                                      2. didn't manage finance well
                                        1. Scottish war continued
                                          1. carried on with debasement
                                            1. spiralling inflation
                                              1. wasn't prepared to increase taxes
                                                1. wages didn't rise in line with new prices
                                                  1. Poorer classes considerably worse off
                                                    1. Richer people saw their wealth being eaten away
                                                2. Edward left with £1,173,755 in debt
                                                3. Church/Religion
                                                  1. Treason Act (1547)
                                                    1. abolished harshest features under Henry
                                                      1. Heresy laws
                                                        1. Treason laws
                                                          1. censorship law
                                                          2. repealed Act of Six Articles
                                                            1. act had restored Catholic practices and articles
                                                            2. allowed people to practice faith more freely
                                                              1. spread of Lutheran and Calvinist books (censorship laws gone)
                                                              2. Outbreaks of Iconoclasm
                                                                1. destroying relics of catholic church
                                                                  1. indirect effect
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