The Stolen Child


Mind Map on The Stolen Child, created by shankelly3 on 04/23/2014.
Mind Map by shankelly3, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shankelly3 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Stolen Child
  1. Background
    1. Yeat's early poems- at the beginning of his career
      1. Celebrating Irish tales which his mother loved
      2. In his early works Yeats used soft, romantic words, poetry based on Irish legends
        1. Set in Sligo, where Yeats spent his youth- mother's home
        2. General Analysis
          1. Poem= Metaphor for the return to innocence
            1. Representing his dissatisfaction with the real world
              1. Attempt to retain innocence and obtain freedom is almost impossible
                1. Mystical world
                  1. Influences of romantic poets
                  2. Stanza 1
                    1. "Where flapping herons wake"
                      1. Heron representing death- foreshadowing the death of innocence?
                      2. "The drowsy water rats"
                        1. Reference to sleeping
                        2. "reddest stolen cherries"
                          1. Adam and Eve temptation
                            1. Idea of fruit being stolen support the idea that the child has lost it's innocences
                            2. "Come away, O human child/... For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand2
                              1. Get away from the harsh realities of life
                                1. Escape to somewhere, where he is free
                                  1. Looking for the return of innocence as life they're living is hard
                                2. Stanza 2
                                  1. "Mingling hands and mingling glances"
                                    1. Faeries enjoying being free whilst the world deals with troubles
                                    2. "anxious in it's sleep"
                                      1. no escape even in their sleep they're not free
                                      2. "chase the frothy bubbles
                                        1. suggests certain degree of freedom
                                        2. "While the world is full of troubles"
                                          1. the reality is that it's "full of troubles" contrasts this freedom
                                        3. Stanza 3
                                          1. "wandering water gushes"
                                            1. soft, plosive alliteration
                                              1. portrays image of freedom
                                                1. onomatopoeia
                                                2. "a star"
                                                  1. representing hope
                                                  2. "From ferns that drop their tears"
                                                    1. personification for nature crying
                                                    2. "Over the young streams"
                                                      1. Water symbolic of freedom which they don't have
                                                    3. Stanza 4
                                                      1. "Away with us he's going"
                                                        1. child being taken away, taking away to a better place
                                                        2. " calves", "kettle", "mice"
                                                          1. Modern society has enslaved nature
                                                            1. Yeat's portrays his disappointment with modern society- due to increased nature of violence
                                                          2. The refrain is repeated which shows that humans are incapable of understanding and things have to be repeated for them to understand
                                                            1. grey, solemn imagery
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