Sounds of the Day


Mind Map on Sounds of the Day, created by babyjane23 on 04/23/2014.
Mind Map by babyjane23, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by babyjane23 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Sounds of the Day
  1. A relationship has ended and writer feels alone and abandoned
    1. Initial theme of nature
      1. "clatter came, it was horses crossing the ford."
        1. alliteration
        2. "lapwing seeing us off the premises of its private marsh".
          1. unwelcoming, gamekeeper like
          2. "it was water falling sixty feet into itself".
            1. Waterfalls are usually beautiful but there is a darkness here
              1. "blacks drums rolled"
          3. tone turns to one of despair
            1. "when the door scraped shut"
              1. onomatopeia
              2. "It was the end of all the sounds there are"
                1. finality, paradox, metaphor for breaking of relationship
              3. speaks direct
                1. "You left me"
                  1. second narrative person
                2. senses
                  1. "plunge your hand in freezing water"
                    1. comparison with the shock?metaphor for the pain and numbness
                    2. "before the whole hand goes numb".
                      1. no sign of reconcilitation
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