Fascist Consolidation of Power 1922-26


Mind Map on Fascist Consolidation of Power 1922-26, created by alveekhan06 on 04/24/2014.
Mind Map by alveekhan06, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alveekhan06 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Fascist Consolidation of Power 1922-26
  1. Acerbo Law, 1932- Undersecretary, Acerbo passed a law to permit the party that obtained the most votes in a general election to take two-thirds of seats in parliament as long as it got at least 25% of votes cast. Fascist bloc obtained 65% of the vote due to rigging in April 1924.
    1. Mateotti crisis, 1924- Anti-fascist MP condemned Blackshirt illegality at the polls. 11 days later, he was abducted and killed.
      1. MUSSOLINI- Speech to Chamber in January 1925- He said Italy needed a stronger regime to deal with political opponents and remove the need to use fascist squads. He also stressed that he was committed to using legal methods. Reassured gov and fascist radicals by defence of fascism. Subsequently closed down 400 "suspect organisations", supposedly holding illegal weapons. The remaining non-fascist ministers resigned and joined the government. Fascists would now have less internal disputes in government.
        1. PROPAGANDA- Cult of the Duce which depicted Mussolini as Italy's saviour. Posters, films, newspapers all conveyed an image on a well rounded leader. Almost giving him divine status. Set him apart from the Fascist system, problems could be blamed on the government and not him and allowed for a long term regime.
        2. CONTROL OF THE PRESS: By 1926- all opposition newspapers had been closed down. Newspapers were expected to give minimal coverage to sensitive topics such as crime and unemployment.
          1. GAINING SUPPORT: Education- December 1925- Mussolini instructed schools to educate young Italians to live according to the fascist revolution.
            1. Youth: The Fascist youth movement (ONB) helped to instill fascist values into the minds of the young (aged 6-18). Established in 1926 and within a year had over 1.2 million members.
              1. OND- Fascist organisation helped foster public identification with the regime. Formed in 1925- offered sport, music, films, plays, holidays. Also provided welfare for poor families. Informal class segregation meant there wasn't a sense of national community.
              2. Fascist Grand Council established in 1922- consisted of 22 fascist members as the PNFs key policy making body. Important step towards dictatorship. They now controlled it's membership and agenda.
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