Germany had made the triple alliance between
Italy and Austria Hungary. To protect each other.
Triple entente which was an alliance between France,Britain
and Russia. Which would mean that each country would
have to fight for each other in a war situation
Britain signed a treaty to protect
Belgium from invasion
Both Morocan crises have caused international
tension throughout Europe
Shows Germany's ambition for overseas colonies.
The naval race shows Germany is not afraid of war
The Balkan wars caused international tension
because more countries are wanting
independence and they are getting stronger.
Austria Hungary have taken control over
Bosnia which many Bosnians did not like
and many anti government groups started
The Black Hand
France and Allsace Lorriane
In the past Germany had taken an area of
France this was called Alsace and Lorriane
France wanted to claim this back.
The Arms Race
Germany ordered its navy to expand to the same size as
the British Royal Navy this caused tensions between the
two countries which lead to an arms race.
New ships were created which prepared each country for war
new ships such as Dreadnaughts were created.
The 2 Morocan Crisis
This was between France and Germany. The Germans
wanted overseas colonies so the Kaiser made a speech
about independence in Morocco
The second crisis was when the Kaiser sent a naval
ship called the Panther to Morocco this caused
international tension and France was on the verge of
war with Germany until a treaty was drawn up in