James Joyce


Mind Map on James Joyce, created by Polina Strich on 04/27/2014.
Polina Strich
Mind Map by Polina Strich, updated more than 1 year ago
Polina Strich
Created by Polina Strich over 10 years ago

Resource summary

James Joyce
  1. Consciousness: chaotic river/stream of thought that flows
    1. comunication between writer and reader: difficult
      1. come to a person's mind before they are logically organized
        1. psychological process
        2. Time
          1. no chronological sequence but duration
            1. the present contains the past
              1. few days or even one sufficent to penetrate the inner life of the charachter
              2. had no longer reason to exist
              3. Life
                1. Born in Dublin, 1882
                  1. had excellent education
                    1. 1902: graduated in Modern Languages
                      1. PERMANENT SELF-IMPOSED EXILE
                        1. travelled with his companion Nora Bernacle
                          1. In Trieste became friendly with Italo Svevo
                      2. went to Jesuit school but soon rejected intention of becoming a priest
                    2. suffers from eye disease, oncoming blindness
                      1. Outbreak World 1: went to Zurich
                        1. Dies in Zurich at the age of 58
                      2. 1914: publication of Dubliners
                        1. 1922: publication of Ulysses
                          1. problems with censorship
                        2. was very open
                          1. believed in the objectivity of the writer
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