Sport and Exercise Psychology


A-Level Psychology Mind Map on Sport and Exercise Psychology, created by Anna-Louise Morse on 04/28/2014.
Anna-Louise Morse
Mind Map by Anna-Louise Morse, updated more than 1 year ago
Anna-Louise Morse
Created by Anna-Louise Morse over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Sport and Exercise Psychology
  1. Sport and the Individual
    1. Personality
      1. Catell (1946) - 16 personality factors
        1. Eysenck (1965) - Trait Theory
          1. Kroll and Crenshaw (1970) - Personality Profiles in Different Sports
          2. Aggression
            1. Freud (1901) - Theory of Aggression
              1. Berkowitz and Geen (1966) - Environmental Cue Theory
                1. Bandura (1961, 1963) - Social Learning Theory
                2. Motivation
                  1. McClelland et al (1953) - The Achievement Motive
                    1. Gill and Deeter (1988) - Sports Orientation Questionnaire
                      1. Deci and Ryan (2000) - Self-Determination Theory
                    2. Sport Performance
                      1. Arousal
                        1. Yerkes and Dodson (1908) - The effect of stimulation on the rapidity of learning the 'dancing mice' study
                          1. Lacey (1967) - Somatic response patterning
                            1. Oxendine (1980) - Emotional arousal and motor performance
                            2. Anxiety
                              1. Martens (1977) - Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT)
                                1. Martens et al (1990) - CSAI-2
                                  1. Fazey and Hardy (1988) - Catastrophe Theory
                                  2. Self-Confidence
                                    1. Bandura (1977) - Self-efficacy
                                      1. Vealey (1986) - Sport confidence and competitive orientation
                                    2. Social Psychology of Sport
                                      1. Group Cohesion
                                        1. Tuckman (1965) - Developmental sequence in small groups
                                          1. Latane et al (1979) - Many hands make light work
                                            1. Carron (1982) - Cohesiveness in sports groups
                                            2. Audience Effect
                                              1. Cottrell et al (1968) - The effects of an audience versus the effects of the 'mere presence' of others
                                                1. Zajonc et al (1965, 1966, 1969) - Cockroach studies
                                                  1. Schwartz and Barsky (1977) - Home advantage
                                                  2. Leadership and Coaching
                                                    1. Stogdill (1948) - Great Man Theory
                                                      1. Chelladurai (1978) - Multidimensional model of leadership
                                                        1. Smith et al (1977) - Coach effectiveness training
                                                      2. Exercise Psychology
                                                        1. Exercise and Pathology
                                                          1. Bernstein et al (1994) - Physical exercise and reduced risk of cancer in young women
                                                            1. Lox et al (1995) - Exercise and psychological well-being in HIV patients
                                                              1. Hausenblas and Carron (1999) - Eating disorders in athletes
                                                              2. Exercise and Mental Health
                                                                1. Steinberg and Sykes (1985) - The endorphin hypothesis
                                                                  1. Leith and Taylor (1990) - A review of the psychological aspects of exercise
                                                                    1. Morgan (1979) - Mental-Health Model
                                                                    2. Issues in Exercise and Sport
                                                                      1. Costill et al (1991) - Adaptations to training volume in swimming
                                                                        1. Hart et al (1989) - Measurement of body image anxiety
                                                                          1. Maganaris et al (2000) - Psychological expectancy effects using a steroid placebo in strength training
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