London Docklands


1 Geography Mind Map on London Docklands, created by jamesofili on 04/28/2014.
Mind Map by jamesofili, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jamesofili over 10 years ago

Resource summary

London Docklands
  1. Strategies
    1. Improving accessibility
      1. DLR and Jubilee line
        1. City Airport connects to European cities
          1. 1.8km Limehouse link
          2. Market-led regeneration
            1. Enterprise Zone
              1. Tax breaks and other financial incentives to attract firms
              2. Improving conditions
                1. Warehouses converted for residential use and affordable homes bult
                  1. New open spaces e.g. Jubilee Park
                2. Need
                  1. Loss of industry
                    1. Last docks closed 1980
                    2. Unemployment
                      1. In 1981, 61% of adult men were unemployed
                        1. 150,000 jobs lost between 1967 and 1977
                        2. Spiral of decline
                          1. Lower spending in local economy
                            1. Out migration
                            2. Land derelict and contaminated
                              1. Drosscape
                                1. Unattractive for investment
                                2. Poor quality housing
                                3. Players
                                  1. London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC)
                                    1. Set up in 1981 to manage redevelopment
                                      1. Given powers to make rapid planning decisions without consulting local councils
                                      2. Tower Hamlets council
                                      3. Success
                                        1. Social
                                          1. New jobs created in tertiary sector
                                            1. Jobs in finance not suited to dock workers
                                            2. Canary Wharf's success has led to Canning Town's decline
                                            3. Economic
                                              1. 33 new office blocks, 90,000 jobs
                                                1. Each £1 of govt. spending matched by £6 of private investment
                                                  1. Has raised real average wages
                                                  2. Environmental
                                                    1. More pollution and traffic in area
                                                      1. Airport creates noise, light and air pollution for residents
                                                      2. High use of public transport
                                                        1. Public realm is pleasant and well maintained
                                                          1. New parks and open spaces
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