Exam Tips - Biology


GCSE Biology Mind Map on Exam Tips - Biology, created by Mhairi McCreery on 04/30/2014.
Mhairi McCreery
Mind Map by Mhairi McCreery, updated more than 1 year ago
Mhairi McCreery
Created by Mhairi McCreery almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Exam Tips - Biology
  1. Describe
    1. Use the information - say what is happening
      1. Do not say why
        1. Do some calculations
        2. Suggest and explain
          1. Give as many reasons as there are marks
            1. Use key words e.g. bacteria, virus, fungus, NOT DISEASE
              1. Avoid vague words e.g. disease
              2. Use the evidence to support
                1. Use the data provided
                  1. Do calculations
                  2. Give two reasons
                    1. Give two very different reasons
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