Baldwin's Gov. Did More Than Stop The General Strike 1926


A Levels British History Mind Map on Baldwin's Gov. Did More Than Stop The General Strike 1926, created by elise-v on 05/01/2014.
Mind Map by elise-v, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elise-v over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Baldwin's Gov. Did More Than Stop The General Strike 1926
  1. Acts
    1. 1925 Pensions Act enabled contributors to draw their pension at 65. Britain's currency returned to Gold Standard.
      1. 1926 Electricity Act set up National Grid to provide power throughout Britain.
        1. 1927 BBC established as national radio broadcasting system.
          1. 1928 Parliamentary Reform Act gave vote to women 21+
            1. 1929 Local Government Act exempted all farms and 25% of factories from local rates.
            2. Bad
              1. Couldn't control unemployment as it rose to 3 million.
                1. Share of the vote dropped by 10%.
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