

Mind Map on Peterloo, created by jessannayoung on 05/01/2014.
Mind Map by jessannayoung, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jessannayoung almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 16th August 1819
    1. St Peters Fields, Manchester
    2. wanted the right for everyone to be able to vote in elections, so gvmnt would be responsive to their problems.
      1. local magistrates feared it would be the signal for rebellion
        1. what happened
          1. crowd essembled. when Hunt appeared, there was enthusiastic applause, causing the magistrates to panick.
            1. they ordered the Yeomanry in to arrest Hunt. the Yeomanry charged the crowd, then regular troops joined to assist,
              1. the gvmnt did not punish the magistrates. Hunt was sentenced to two and a half years in prison, the three other speakers a year.
          2. events that followed
            1. the gvmnt introduced the Six Acts.
              1. intended to stop any chance of rebellion
                1. blic meetings of over 50 people were banned
                  1. magistrates could seize or destroy newspapers and publications that called for reform
                    1. also able to search houses for weapons
                  2. caused great anger
                    1. newspaper reporters in the crowd criticised the magistrates for over reacting
                      1. people demanded that the gvmnt punish the magistrates.
                    2. 11 were killed, around 400 injured
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