Boer war= impact of Boer war


Mind Map on Boer war= impact of Boer war, created by rgudgeon31 on 05/02/2014.
Mind Map by rgudgeon31, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rgudgeon31 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Boer war= impact of Boer war
  1. Army reforms
    1. committee of defense organized 1905
      1. Esher report 1904
        1. recommended new leadership structures for welfare, training and suplies
          1. equipment- Khaki+ quick rifle
    2. support
      1. victory= patrioism
        1. magazines/ papers wrote= British empire as a force of good
      2. critisism
        1. war only benifits for a few
          1. Khaki election
            1. gave coservitives a huge majority
          2. the war exposed poor + rich divide
          3. national efficiency
            1. Seebohm Rowntree
              1. investigate recruits health
              2. Liberal reformers= want to help poor
                1. 1906 introduced free school meals, medical checks
                  1. 1911= national insurance act
              3. impact on Africa
                1. Milner resigned
                  1. 1906= want to re-establish a strong south Africa
                    1. 1909=British parliment, bill= the union of South Africa and giving it political indipendence
                      1. betrayal of bon-whites
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