Causes of the English Civil War


Mind Map on Causes of the English Civil War, created by aid atko on 05/03/2014.
aid atko
Mind Map by aid atko, updated more than 1 year ago
aid atko
Created by aid atko over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of the English Civil War
  1. Religious
    1. Charles married to Catholic Henrietta Maria
      1. 1625
      2. Laud's religious reforms
        1. Made priests wear Catholic robes
          1. Railing off the communion table
            1. Appointed by Charles in 1625
            2. Lack of tolerance to Puritans
              1. William Prynne
                1. Condemned Bishop's power
                  1. 1637
                    1. Pilloried and his ears were cut off
              2. The Grand Remonstrance
                1. November 1641
                2. Scottish Rebellion
                  1. 1637
                  2. Irish worry about Parliament raising anti-Catholic laws
                    1. Irish Rebellion
                      1. 1641
                        1. Charles raises money
                          1. Parliament demand control of the army
                            1. Because they feared Charles might use it against them.
                              1. March 1642
                    2. Political
                      1. Charles' belief in the Divine Right of Kings
                        1. Charles' period of personal rule
                          1. 11 years
                            1. 1629-1640
                              1. Parliament only game him a seventh of the money he requested
                              2. Use of the Star Court
                                1. Poor leadership by Charles
                                  1. Attempted arrest of 5 MPs
                                    1. January 1642
                                      1. Took 400 hundred men
                                        1. Men flee in a boat
                                          1. Riot occurs
                                          2. Nineteen Prepositions
                                            1. June 1642
                                          3. Financial
                                            1. Charles' financial difficulties
                                              1. Unpopular taxes
                                                1. Ship money
                                                  1. 1634
                                                    1. Levied during peacetime
                                                      1. 1635
                                                        1. Levied through whole country
                                                      2. Challenged by John Hampden
                                                      3. Fines and Forced Loans
                                                        1. Sale of Monopolies - soap and wine
                                                        2. Raising taxes without parliament's permission
                                                        3. They both raise armies in June 1642
                                                          1. Charles loses control of London
                                                            1. Charles raises his standard
                                                              1. Nottingham
                                                                1. August 1642
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