
Mind Map on AAVE, created by hopefeasey on 05/03/2014.
Mind Map by hopefeasey, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hopefeasey almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Dialect Terms
    1. Definition: Language used in a specific area in the world.
      1. Examples: 'git' 'mama' 'pa'
    2. Clippings/shortenings
      1. Definition: Shortening a word.
        1. Examples: 'bout' 'cause' 'somethin'
      2. 'ain't' as a negative and double negative
        1. Examples: 'don't say nothing' 'don't nobody come see us' 'us ain't never spoke'
        2. Phonetic Spellings
          1. Definition: Spelling words a certain way to indicate accent.
            1. Examples: 'ast' 'kilt' 'yessuh'
          2. Irregular plural ending or singular forms used instead of plural
            1. Definition: Missing a letter at the end of a word or add an 's'
              1. Examples: 'peoples' 'surprise' instead of 'surprised'
            2. Omission of the verb 'to be'
              1. Definition: Missing 'are' or 'is' from a sentence.
                1. Examples: 'Nettie here with us' ''Who her daddy'
              2. Omission of possessive indicator
                1. Definition: Missing the apostrophe from a possessive word
                  1. Examples: '...under Sofia foot.' 'Mr ___ daddy show up...'
                2. Present tense instead of past
                  1. Examples: 'Us all sit round the table after supper' 'I go visit Sofia...'
                  2. Ellipsis
                    1. Definition: Taking a word from a sentence but it still makes sense.
                      1. Example: 'I've never been to Paris. They've been.' (not from novel)
                    2. Adjectives instead of Adverbs
                      1. Examples: 'She work real hard' 'He real good'
                      2. The word 'be' instead of 'is'
                        1. Examples: 'he be sad' 'she be angry'
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