The Peak District


A-Level Geography Mind Map on The Peak District, created by Lauren Miller on 05/04/2014.
Lauren Miller
Mind Map by Lauren Miller, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Miller
Created by Lauren Miller almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Peak District
  1. Location and information
    1. Central and Northern England
      1. Mainly in Derbyshire
        1. Covers areas of Staffordshire
        2. 22 million visitors annualy
          1. Britain's first national park
          2. Key Terms
            1. National Park
              1. Large area of land protected by Government because of natural beauty
                1. Visited by Public
              2. Honey-pot sites
                1. when an area is popular and attracts tourists
              3. Attractions of the Peak District
                1. Outdoor activities
                  1. Climbing
                    1. Hiking
                      1. Cycling
                      2. Range of accomodation
                        1. B&B
                          1. Hotels
                          2. Famous towns
                            1. Buxton
                              1. Bakewell
                            2. Impacts
                              1. Positive
                                1. Tourism provides jobs
                                  1. Boost in the economy
                                    1. Boosts local trade
                                    2. Negative
                                      1. Mountain biking
                                        1. Damage to wildlife
                                        2. Climbing
                                          1. Decline of cliff nesting birds
                                          2. Congestion and pollution
                                            1. 87% of people travel by car
                                        3. Management
                                          1. Footpath erosion
                                            1. Pennine way (popular walk) has been paved
                                            2. Congestion
                                              1. congestion charges
                                                1. Park and ride
                                                2. Decline in traditional industry
                                                  1. Shops and restaurants are buying local produce
                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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