Boer War


Mind Map on Boer War, created by issy2876 on 05/05/2014.
Mind Map by issy2876, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by issy2876 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Boer War
  1. Impact of reporting and propaganda
    1. Newspapers
      1. Only Manchester Guardian opposed the war.
        1. Anti war newspapers sales declined. Pro-war newspapers sales increased
      2. Guerilla warfare
        1. Scorched earth policy
          1. Blockhouses
            1. Concentration camps
              1. Boer women and black Africans
                1. Blacks were in much worse conditions
                  1. Less food and worse medical attention
                2. Overcrowding, poor organisation, bad sanitation meant that disease and hunger were comon
                  1. Children suffered most: measles, typhoid, malaria, bronchitis and pneumonia
                    1. Death rates were at 34% in white camps, higher for blacks
                      1. By the end of the war 20,000 Boers and 12,000 blacks had died in the camps
                      2. Emily Hobhouse
                        1. Her reports published in Manchester Guardian
                          1. Public were outraged by the reports
                          2. Henry Campbell Bannerman
                            1. Condemned the camps and the scorched earth policy as 'methods of barbarism'
                          3. The Fawcett Commission
                            1. Confirmed Hobhouse's findings
                              1. Recommended improvements
                                1. Death rates fell to 6.9% then 2% later
                            2. National efficiency
                              1. Problems with recruitment - 2/3 of volunteers were turned away for poor health or physical condition
                                1. Poverty was causing these problems and meant Britain were unable to defend her Empire
                                  1. Concerns on national efficiency were one of the motivations for the Liberal Reforms
                              2. Reforms
                                1. Army reforms
                                  1. Esher Reforms
                                    1. Improvements to army organisation
                                      1. New and better weapons introduced
                                      2. Haldane Reforms
                                        1. British Expeditionary Force (BEF) introduced
                                          1. An important contribution to the war
                                          2. The Territorial Army (TA) improved and strengthened
                                          3. Made the British Army stronger, more effective and more efficient
                                          4. Social reforms
                                            1. The Liberal Reforms of 1906-14
                                              1. Designed to improve health and well-being of the poorest in society
                                                1. Free School Meals Act of 1906
                                                  1. National Insurance Act 1911
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


                                              1895-1906 BRITAIN and the Conservatives
                                              Imperialism and national efficiency
                                              Boer War social reform
                                              Boer War
                                              megan langdon
                                              How and Why was the Boer War Fought?
                                              The Boer War
                                              Joshua Russell
                                              The Impact of Reporting and Propaganda
                                              Boer War
                                              Structure of the British Army; 1899
                                              Army reforms
                                              Concentration Camps - Boer War
                                              megan langdon