Chapter 6: Oceans on the edge - Part 2


Mind Map on Chapter 6: Oceans on the edge - Part 2, created by laurenclark90 on 05/05/2014.
Mind Map by laurenclark90, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by laurenclark90 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 6: Oceans on the edge - Part 2
  1. Sustainable management
    1. Coral triangle
      1. Ecosystem: coral reef
        1. Location: South Pacific
          1. Threats - acidified seawater - growing population pressure leading to overfishing - pollution - run-off
            1. Management plan (joint government partnership): marine protection areas - sustainable fishing rules - protection of threatened species - planning for climate change
              1. what makes it sustainable?
                1. - protects ecosystem from damage - allows overfished species to recover - involves local people
                  1. issue: difficult to enforce rules because of size of area
      2. Shetland Islands
        1. Ecosystem: coastal
          1. Location: North Sea
            1. Threats - overfishing by technology-assisted commercial fishing (facotry ships, sonar, longlining)
              1. Management plan (Shetland Aquaculture)
                1. - fish farms where fish are kept in caged enclosures away from rest of ecosystem
                  1. - wide range of fish farmed
                    1. - employs 1,200 people
                      1. what makes is sustainable?
                        1. - takes commercial fishing pressure of marine ecosystem
                          1. - involves local people
                            1. Issues: - fish diseases spread quickly - farmed fish escape and go back to marine ecosystem
      3. Maintaining ocean health
        1. e.g united nations food and agriculture organisation (FAO) - regulates managemnt of deep sea fisheries
          1. Protecting endangered marine species
            1. Whales
              1. + International whaling convention (IWC) - est. 1946 - bans commercial whale hunting
                1. + The 156 countries who signed UNCLOS have to follow IWC guidlines
                  1. + CITES - provides local protection to all great whales
                2. - Japan defies international whaling laws
                  1. - Norway objects plans to make South Pacific a whale sactuary
                    1. - Faroe Islands - killing pilot whales is a culturally important even
                      1. Iceland hunts whales commercially and for scientific research
            2. Global pollution at sea
              1. good
                1. old tankers being phased out
                  1. oil spills less likely
                  2. using seawater to flush out oil tankers is banned
                    1. reduces pollution
                  3. not so good
                    1. Pacific Garbage Patches (large areas of sea full of floating rubbish)
                      1. noone will take responsibility to clear it up
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