UNAN - Managua


esta es una prueba
MrThebestni .
Mind Map by MrThebestni ., updated more than 1 year ago
MrThebestni .
Created by MrThebestni . about 7 years ago

Resource summary

UNAN - Managua
  1. Mision
    1. Vision
      1. Su vision priniciapl es forjar profesionales para el desarrollo del pais
      2. Organizacion
        1. Facultades
          1. Ciencias
            1. HUmanidades
              1. Medicina
                1. POLISAL
                  1. Educacion
                    1. Economia
                    2. FAREM
                      1. Estelí
                        1. Matagalpa
                          1. Chontales
                            1. Rio San Juan
                              1. Carazo
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                            PROGRAMACION BASICA
                            Ivett Medina Dal
                            GCSE History of Medicine: Key Individuals
                            James McConnell
                            GCSE Biology Quiz
                            AS Chemistry - Enthalpy Changes
                            Sarah H-V
                            AS Economics Key Terms
                            Fred Clayton
                            AQA Biology 12.1 cellular organisation
                            Charlotte Hewson
                            English Basic Grammar
                            An Timpeallacht (Foclóir)
                            Sarah Egan
                            Britain and World War 2
                            Sarah Egan
                            Chemistry GCSE Review - States of Matter, Particles, Atoms, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
                            Morgan Overton
                            Core 1.10 Polymers (Plastics)
                            T Andrews