Legumes and Nuts


Mind Map on Legumes and Nuts, created by lisa.moore678 on 05/06/2014.
Mind Map by lisa.moore678, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lisa.moore678 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Legumes and Nuts
  1. Nutritive Value Nuts
    1. Protein - LBV
      1. high polyunsaturated fat
        1. high fibre
          1. Vit B group
            1. Calcium, Iron
              1. 5% water
              2. Uses of nuts
                1. Salad- waldorf Salad
                  1. Main course- Curry
                    1. Snacks- Peanuts
                      1. Biscuits- Chocolate and peanut cookies
                      2. Dietetic Value of nuts
                        1. protein-Growth and repair
                          1. good source for vegans
                          2. variety of types-hazelnuts/peanuts
                            1. keep well
                              1. add texture
                                1. sweet and savoury dishes
                                2. Legumes
                                  1. Beans,peas,lentils
                                    1. Nutritive Value
                                      1. LBV protein, Soya beans HBV
                                        1. little polyunsaturated fat
                                          1. starch and fibre
                                            1. Vit C and B in fresh lequmes
                                              1. Calcimm and non-haem iron
                                                1. water varies on type
                                                2. storing
                                                  1. cool,dry, dark place
                                                    1. 5-6months
                                                    2. Preparing
                                                      1. manufactures insrtuctions
                                                        1. soak pulses overnight to reconstitute them
                                                          1. eg Marrowfat peas
                                                          2. some eg.Kidney beans- cooked at high temps
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