GOING GLOBAL: Global Groupings


alevel Geography (Unit 1) Mind Map on GOING GLOBAL: Global Groupings, created by beccagiacopazzi on 05/06/2014.
Mind Map by beccagiacopazzi, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beccagiacopazzi over 10 years ago

Resource summary

GOING GLOBAL: Global Groupings
  1. Trade Organisations: encouraging free trade between their members
    1. NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement, this links America with other countries which aren't as developed, e.g. they connect with Mexico using their resouces and they can use their technology
      1. The EU: they remove internal barriers to trade & the movement of capital & people between its members, a common currency so easy exchange of goods etc.
      2. OPEC: Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, regulates oil supplies to meet global demand
        1. OECD: Organisation for Economic Cooperation & development, international forum for discussion of economic policy issues, environmental issues, agricultural & energy concerns, 34 members, aim to improve the economic & social well-being of people & sustainable economic growth
          1. G8: most powerful & wealthy countries, discuss & present solutions for global problems
            1. TNC's: large business enterprises with production &/or service operations in several countries which compete in global markets
              1. Advantages of TNC's: creates employment, rising incomes increase living standards, boosts exports & helps the trade balance, develops a& improves skill levels, creates multiplier effect in local economies
                1. Disadvantages of TNC's: may avoid paying taxes in some countries, limited links - some FDI dont want to like with developing counrtues, create a growing wealth divide - choosing to help some developing countries over others, cause environmental damage - have an impact on the poor
                2. TNC Case Study: Tesco
                  1. Founded in 1919 in East End London
                    1. Operates in 12 different countries, e.g. UK, China, India. Korea, Poland
                      1. Some products could be sold cheaply as the workers were paid really low wages - therefore profits were made
                        1. Shipping of goods makes it a large emitter of greenhouse gases but has pledged to reduce it
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