How did Athens, as head of the Delian League, rule their Empire


Mind Map on How did Athens, as head of the Delian League, rule their Empire, created by missfootball on 05/06/2014.
Mind Map by missfootball, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by missfootball almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

How did Athens, as head of the Delian League, rule their Empire
  1. Controlled the Law system
    1. People from other provinces have to travel to Athens for justice
      1. All law courts based in Athens
        1. Could be biased toward Athenian citizens
        2. Controlled all currency
          1. All local currency to be melted down, all mints to be closed
            1. Took away individuality of city states
              1. Trade increased as a result
                1. Benefited people economically because of trade, but threatened their freedom and individuality
                2. Treasury moved to Delos
                  1. Put a lot on economic responsibility onto Athens
                    1. Annually check the income and allocate how much tax each province owed
                      1. Major instrument as showed other Greek provinces who was in charge
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