Financial Services Industry - the main participants


Mind Map on Financial Services Industry - the main participants, created by claire.groves on 05/06/2014.
Mind Map by claire.groves, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by claire.groves over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Financial Services Industry - the main participants
  1. Retail Banking - Traditional range of current accounts, deposit account, lending and credit cards
    1. Your average high street bank, taking deposits and lending, money transmissions. Network of public branches, as well as telephone and internet banking. Some larger retail banks will offer investments, pensions and insurance.
      1. UK sector has seen consolidation, and integration with non-bank institutions, e.g. insurance companies.
      2. Insurance Companies
        1. Insurance industry is there to ensure risks are managed effectively. Protection of your assets is key to financial planning advice, and the insurance industry offers many products to meet need i.e. payment protection (if an individual cannot meet payments on loan or mortgage), or fleet insurance again risk of a plane crashing
          1. Insurance companies collect premiums in exchange for their cover services. The premium income is used to buy shares and/or bonds, and therefore makes money but is also a huge player in the stock market. They will use whatever their returns are from the investments to pay out in the instance that a claim is made.
            1. Insurance companies also market investment products, and are large in the structured products market - offering stock market related bonds
          2. Investment Banks
            1. Investment banks provide advice and arrange finance for companies that want to float in the stock market, raise additional finanace by issuing issuing further shares on the market, or carry out M&A's. Also offer services for those who want to invest in shares and bonds, i.e. pension funds or asset managers. Most tend to specialse in a few of these offshoots...
              1. Corporate finance and advisory work - normally in connection with first time shares (often therefore in demand) to raise finance, take overs or M&A's.
                1. Banking - for governments, institutions and companies
                  1. Tresury dealing - for corp clients in FX, to protect them from interest rate and exchange fluctuations
                    1. Investment management - for large investors i.e. corp pension funds, charities and UHNW. Either direct investing for individual, or collective investment schemes
                      1. Securities Trading - in equities, bonds and derivatives, broking and distribution
                    2. Savings Institutions - Building societies, specialising in saving
                      1. Many building societies have collaberated, or been taken over by larger ones. In the 1980's legislation allowed them to become companies, 'demutualisation'.
                      2. International Banks - Banking that involves cross border transactions, and the growth of the bank reflects the increasing global nature of trade and the banking associated with it
                        1. Typical activityes involved in this sector deal in financing international trade. The bank acts as an intermediary between EXPORTER who needs an importer to pay in advance for goods before they are shipped, but the IMPORTER wants documentation that the good have been shipped before they pay. The importers bank will therefore provide a letter of credit to exporter guarenteeing payment once documentation shown that goods are shipped.
                        2. Pension Funds - Variety of pension schemes available, from employer schemes to self directed schemes.
                          1. Large, long term investors in shares, bonds and cash. Some also invest in assets such as property.
                          2. Fund Mangagers (aka asset managers or investment managers)
                            1. Professional management of portfolio's for private and institutional investors. Assets of the total global funds are made up of:
                              1. Conventional / Institutional Fund manager - works on behalf of an institutions i.e. investing for a companies pension fund or insruance companies fund, or investment of a unit trust
                                1. Private wealth fund Manager - private investors. They will run collective investment schemes, OEIC's and unit trustsfor private clients
                                  1. OEIC's - Fund that is structured to invest in other companies with the ability to adjust constantly its investment criteria and fund size
                                    1. Unit Trusts - a fund that that offers a fixed, unmanaged portfolio, generally of stocks and bonds, as redeemable "units" to investors for a specific period of time. It is designed to provide capital appreciation and/or dividend income
                                2. Stockbrokers
                                  1. Stockbrokers arrange stock market eschanges on behalf of their clients (mainly private, but also fund managers or investment institutions). The can execute only (buy or sell), but also advise.
                                  2. Trade and Professional Bodies (e.g IFA)
                                    1. The investment industry needs co-operation between firms to ensure that the views of various industry sectors are reprosented to governements and regulators. Verious bodies exist for the secors such as:
                                      1. Bonds - International Capital Market Association ICMA
                                        1. Fund Mangagers - Investment Manager Assiciation IMA
                                          1. Insurance - Assosiation of British Insurers ABI
                                        2. Custodian Banks
                                          1. Custodian banks specialise in safely looking after portfolios of shares and bondss on behalf of fund managers, pension funds or insurance companies
                                            1. Holding assets in safekeeping, like equities and bonds
                                              1. Arranging settlements of sale or purchase of security
                                                1. SECURITY - A tradeable asset e.g. debt security, equity security etc
                                                2. Collecting income from assets i.e. dividends or interest
                                                  1. Managing cash transactions
                                                    1. Performing FX echanges
                                                      1. Providing reporting of their activities to clients
                                                    2. Third Party Administrators
                                                      1. TPA's do all the investment administration on behalf of other firms, and specialise in doing only this. There is an increasing use of firms outsourcing, and so TPA's have grown. Outsourcing means that a firm can focus on its core business, while the TPA does the admin efficiently and cost effectively
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