Religion and Human Relationships


Mind Map on Religion and Human Relationships, created by w.hebberd on 05/12/2013.
Mind Map by w.hebberd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by w.hebberd almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Religion and Human Relationships
  1. Sexual relationships
    1. Most christians belive in abstinence which means no sex before marriage
      1. Some wear a ring to show abstinence
      2. All christians beleive that sex is to create new life
        1. Sex should only happen within Marriage
          1. Sex should be between only men and woman and that homosexual relationships are wrong
            1. Some christians say its alright for couples to live together as its a step towards marriage.
            2. Contraception
              1. Artificial contraception
                1. The pill
                  1. Condom
                    1. vasectomy
                    2. Natural contraception
                      1. Withdrawal
                        1. Least fertile time of the menstrual cycle
                        2. Roman Catholics
                          1. Teach that sex should be able to create new life therefore teach against artificial contraception
                            1. Allowed to use Natural contraception
                              1. Some do use contraception to stop the chance of having large families
                                1. Dont not believe it is correct to use them to stop AIDS and other sexualy transmitted diseases
                                2. The church of England will accept the use of all contraception to enable children to be planned and wanter therefore loved
                                3. Christian Marriage Ceremonies
                                  1. Marriage takes place in a church its a service that takes place in front of family friends and god also a marriage is between a man and woman
                                    1. Life long commitment
                                      1. Reminded of the life long commitment
                                        1. Explain that they will come together through sexual unity and there will be a chance for new life to happen
                                          1. Four main parts of a ceremony:
                                            1. The vows
                                              1. Exchange of rings
                                                1. Prayers
                                                  1. Couple are given a marriage certificate
                                                2. Divorce and Re-marriage
                                                  1. Believe that marriage is a life long commitment
                                                    1. Roman Catholics
                                                      1. Believe that marriage cannot be broken by humans as the vows are in front of God
                                                        1. Do not allow divorce
                                                          1. Its seen as a sin
                                                          2. Re-marriage is seen as adultery
                                                          3. Catholics
                                                            1. Try to repair the marriage
                                                              1. Church gives support
                                                                1. Can get an annulment from the pope that allows you to re-marry again
                                                                2. Church of England
                                                                  1. Should work to save the marriage
                                                                    1. Divorce is allowed
                                                                      1. Abuse
                                                                      2. Divorcees can remarry in church
                                                                        1. Innocent partner
                                                                          1. Decided by the vicar
                                                                      3. Civil Partnerships
                                                                        1. In the UK its now legal for same sex couples to recognise their union through a civil partnership
                                                                          1. Catholics do not believe in same sex couples and do not perform civil partnerships
                                                                            1. Its a sin
                                                                              1. Marriage is to create new life
                                                                              2. Some christians believe it should be allowed as they believe everyone should be treated equally
                                                                              3. Roles of men and woman in the christian church
                                                                                1. Catholic
                                                                                  1. Men
                                                                                    1. Go to Work and earn the money
                                                                                    2. Woman
                                                                                      1. Stay at home
                                                                                        1. Look after the kids and the house
                                                                                      2. Church of England
                                                                                        1. Men
                                                                                          1. Go to work and earn the money
                                                                                          2. Woman
                                                                                            1. Look after the kids
                                                                                              1. Look after the house
                                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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