Respiratory System


The functions, locations, anatomy of the Respratoy system (Nursing Science
Tamsin Lamberth
Mind Map by Tamsin Lamberth, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Addeana almost 10 years ago
Tamsin Lamberth
Copied by Tamsin Lamberth about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Respiratory System
  1. Function
    1. Gas exchange in lings between Alveoli and capillaries
      1. Inhaling oxygen
        1. Expiring carbon dioxide and other waste products
      2. Cell Respiration
        1. Aerobic respiration
          1. Uses Glucose and O2
            1. Produces CO2
            2. Anaerobic respiration
              1. Uses Glucose
                1. Production of Lactic Acid
              2. Ageing
                1. Reduce Vital capacity
                  1. Reduce O2 and its level. unable to excercise vigourously
                  2. Structure
                    1. mouth/nose
                      1. trachea
                        1. bronchi
                          1. bronchioles
                            1. aioli
                    2. intercostal muscels
                      1. when inhaling they contract to increase volume
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