The New Right


A Levels Education & Research Mind Map on The New Right, created by elise-v on 05/09/2014.
Mind Map by elise-v, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elise-v almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The New Right
  1. Unlike functionalists, NR don't believe that the current system is achieving its goals. This is because state has too much control, parents, pupils and employers have no say in how schools are run. Hence they favour the marketisation of education system so there is competition to drive up standards by introducing choice and input of parents and pupils.
    1. Agree with functionalists on goals of education: meritocracy; preparing people for work; socialise norms and values; some are more talented than others.
    2. Chubb & Moe: State Run Education Has Failed Its Users
      1. It does not achieve equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups like working class and ethnic minorities.
        1. It does not give pupils skills needed for jobs, failing economic needs, like how to write a CV and job interviews.
          1. Whereas private schools, which parents pay for delivers high quality education because they are accountable and answer to parents. Disadvantaged groups perform 5% better at private schools.
            1. Therefore state schools should be more connected with the market sector as parental and pupil input would drive up standards. State schools should no longer received guaranteed funding, instead money should go to parents who would receive voucher for their child's schooling.
            2. The State Can Have Some Role In Education
              1. Putting together official frameworks by which schools can compete eg. Ofsted reports and league tables.
                1. Ensure all schools teach same norms and values so all of society is socialised the same eg. National Curriculum.
                2. Criticism: Choice only benefits middle classes who understand and can manipulate ways of choosing best schools.
                  1. Criticism: Marxists argue that instead of schools socialising children into shared culture, they socialise pupils into culture of borgeoisie.
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