

Year 7 Year 7 (RS) Mind Map on Hajj, created by Emily H on 05/10/2014.
Emily H
Mind Map by Emily H, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily H
Created by Emily H almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1.
    1. women only have their hands and face bare
      1. they must perform Wudu and enter a state of holiness and purity
        1. ihram (dedicated to holy things)
          1. toes and heels must be bare but they can wear sandals
            1. they must strive to keep their mind at peace
              1. special white garments are warn
                1. male Muslims put on 2 sheets of white cloth
                  1. one is wrapped around the waist and the other over the left shoulder
                    1. men are not allowed to wear jewellery or rings
                    2. they keep them and will be dressed in them after their death
                      1. women wear a plain, undecorated ankle-length, long sleeved garment
                    3. 2.
                      1. remembers Mohammed
                        1. the circle the ka'bah 7 times called tawaf
                          1. the place where they perform salah
                            1. anti-clockwise
                              1. they try to touch the black stone and if they cannot get near enough they raise their right hand in greeting
                              2. 3.
                                1. they have to run or walk between the two small hills Safa and Marwah called s'ay
                                  1. they then drink from the ancient spring known as Zamzam
                                    1. it remembers Hajar running between the hills desperately trying to find water for her son and angel Jibril was sent by God to give them water
                                    2. 4.
                                      1. they travel from Mecca to Mina
                                        1. they rest
                                          1. they spend the day in enormous tent cities
                                            1. they pray and read the Qur'an
                                          2. 5.
                                            1. on the second day they leave Mina just after dawn and travel to the Plain of Arafat
                                              1. Day of Arafat
                                                1. they spend the whole day sitting or standing near the Mount of Mercy
                                                  1. ask Allah for forgiveness
                                                    1. Wuquf
                                                      1. Muslims who are not their join them in fasting for the day
                                                      2. if this is missed the Hajj is not valid
                                                        1. remembers Adam and Eve praying for forgiveness after eating the apple so they could reunite themselves
                                                        2. 6.
                                                          1. after sunset they travel to an open plain called Muzdalifah
                                                            1. they pray
                                                              1. they collect small pebbles to be used the following day
                                                              2. before sunrise they go back to Mina and throw stones at one of the three pillars
                                                                1. it remembers when Isma'il's family are on their way to sacrifice him and the devil is trying to persuade them not to but they throw stones at it
                                                              3. 7.
                                                                1. after casting the pebbles most Muslims slaughter an animal 9often a sheep or a goat)
                                                                  1. the meat is shared and eaten by all including the poor in nearby communities
                                                                  2. throughout the world Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha, the festival of sacrifice
                                                                    1. after the sacrifice men shave their hair and women will cut at least a 2.5cm lock of their hair
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