Postmodernist view of family diversity


A Levels AS Sociology Mind Map on Postmodernist view of family diversity, created by phil sampson on 05/10/2014.
phil sampson
Mind Map by phil sampson, updated more than 1 year ago
phil sampson
Created by phil sampson over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Postmodernist view of family diversity
  1. 1971-2008 LPH Increase 3%-7%
    1. Anderson - Always been diversity in family types
      1. The Rapoports - Nuclear family has become the minority in Britian
        1. Organisational Diversity
          1. variations in kinship network, household type and division of labour
            1. Lone parent families
              1. Dual earner families
                1. Cohabitating couples and Reconstituted families
                2. Cultural Diversity
                  1. Different ethnic, national or religious backgrounds
                    1. eg difference between British Asian and white British families or Catholic or Protestant familes
                    2. Class Diversity
                      1. Difference in families UC MC or WC
                        1. relationships between adults
                          1. ways children are socialised
                        2. Cohort Diversity
                          1. Group born over same time period
                            1. Baby boomer period after WW2
                              1. Different pattern of family life eg more dual earners
                          2. Allan and Crow - Reasons for diversification
                            1. Rise in divorce rate
                              1. Changes in divorce law
                                1. Rising social acceptance of divorce
                                  1. Womens independence
                                  2. Lone parent Households
                                    1. Increase in divorce
                                      1. Greater accpetance of birth outside marriage
                                      2. Cohabitation
                                        1. Secularisation
                                        2. Stepfamilies
                                          1. Increase in divorce
                                          2. Reconstituted families
                                            1. 1/4 of marriages are remarriages
                                          3. New types of diversity
                                            1. The Rapaports
                                              1. Liberalisation of attitudes to sexuality
                                                1. New reproductive technologies
                                                  1. Test tube babies
                                                    1. Surragate motherhood
                                                2. Friendship networks now function as if they were families
                                                  1. Roseneil - Breakdown of the heteronorm
                                                    1. Civil Partnerships Act 2004 - legitamized gay and lesbian relationships
                                                    2. Brannen - Beanpole families
                                                      1. Weak intragenerational ties (within generations)
                                                        1. Higher geographical mobility
                                                          1. Falling family size
                                                            1. Increasing family breakdown
                                                            2. Stronger Intergenerational ties (parents, children, grandchildren)
                                                              1. Greater longetivity
                                                                1. Elderly requiring care from children
                                                                  1. Rise in dual earner and lone parent families
                                                                2. Giddens - changing relationships
                                                                  1. Confluent love - love upon benefit
                                                                    1. Sex can be for pleasure marraiges or relationships no longer permenant
                                                                    2. Beck and Beck individualisation main characteristic of modern life
                                                                      1. More opportunities
                                                                        1. Little security or intimacy
                                                                          1. Increased Uncertainty
                                                                          2. Stacey - varied structure, constantly changing & no set ideal structure
                                                                            1. Pre industrial, industrail & post industrial society
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