Age of Exploration and Discovery (2)


History (Age of Exploration and Discovery) Mind Map on Age of Exploration and Discovery (2), created by texttoffee on 05/10/2014.
Mind Map by texttoffee, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by texttoffee over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Age of Exploration and Discovery (2)
  1. Ferdinand Magellan
    1. portuguese
      1. sailed for the king of Spain, Charles 5th
        1. He was the first to go completely around the world but did not live to see it's completion
          1. 1519 crossed the atlantic and sailed down the east coast of Africa
            1. Crosses the stormy Magellan straits at the tip of Africa
              1. Sailors suffered terribly as they crossed the pacific ocean - Scurvy
                1. Magellan was killed in a local war in the Philippines in 1521
                  1. Captain del Cano led the expedition back to Spain in 1522.
                    1. only 18 out of the 260 crewmen survived the 3 year journey
                      1. 1st sighting by Europeans of Llamas,Hammocks and Penguins.
                  2. A disease caused be lack of vitamin C.Caused gums to bleed and rot,teeth to fall out.
            2. 5 ships
              1. Victoria
                1. Conception
                  1. Trinidad
                    1. San Antonio
                      1. San Diego
                    2. Dangers for sailors
                      1. Scurvy
                        1. running out of food and fresh water
                          1. Water supplies went bad and ship biscuits became infested with maggots
                            1. Sailors ate sawdust and rats were considered a luxury during the voyage across the pacific ocean
                            2. The fear of the unknown- uneducated sailors feared 'sea monsters' or the ship falling of the edge of a flat world
                            3. Cruel Conquerors
                              1. Cortez
                                1. Aztecs
                                  1. Hernando Cortez
                                    1. 500 soldiers
                                      1. Tenochitlan was burned to the ground
                                        1. mexico was built in it's place
                                      2. Pizarro
                                        1. Incas
                                          1. Peru
                                            1. Francisco Pizarro
                                              1. kidnapped and murdered Atahualpa - Inca god king
                                            2. Consequences of the explorations
                                              1. Native Peoples
                                                1. The Aztec capital of Tenochitlan was burned to the ground
                                                  1. People were robbed of their land,gold and other precious resources
                                                    1. Many native people were massacred or worked to death
                                                      1. or caught European diseases which they had no immunity to
                                                        1. in Spanish-ruled parts of America,the local population decreased from fifty million to four million in 2 hundred years.
                                                      2. Up to 10 million Africans were shipped off to slavery in America
                                                        1. Most Africans living in North and South America are descended from African slaves.
                                                      3. Europe
                                                        1. Spain,Portugal,France,the Netherlands,England and other countries became rich off the gold,silver and other valuables that they stole from conquered peoples.
                                                          1. Slavery grew the economy of european countries
                                                            1. New goods such as tomatoes,turkeys,tobacco and chocolate,tea,coffee and rum were imported into Europe
                                                              1. Wars broke out between European countries over who should get the stolen riches and control over the land in parts of North America
                                                                1. England and Spain
                                                                2. English migrated to large estates in India and African countries like Zimbabwe while the Dutch took over native lands in South Africa
                                                                  1. Boers
                                                                    1. Millions of Irish emigrated to North America to seek their fortunes
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