Effects of Collectivisation


GCSE History Mind Map on Effects of Collectivisation, created by Lauren Crawford on 05/10/2014.
Lauren Crawford
Mind Map by Lauren Crawford, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Crawford
Created by Lauren Crawford over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Effects of Collectivisation
  1. Human Cost
    1. Enormous
      1. Serious famine from 1932-3
        1. Between 6 and 10 million deaths
      2. Benefits
        1. Aim: to produce enough food to feed the towns and the Red Army = Achieved
          1. Hospitals/schools for workers
            1. Mechanisation of farming did speed up after 1935
              1. 1936: 90% of land collectivised - tractors introduced on large scale
              2. Fall in Production
                1. Peasant opposition led to serious decline
                  1. Rural population starved to meet requirements
                    1. Peasants moved to town in search of food
                      1. Stopped - gov. introduced passports for moving around country
                    2. Inefficient Farming
                      1. Farmers produced less per head than farmers in the USA
                        1. Food bought from abroad
                          1. Little evidence that collectivisation produced surplus food
                            1. Failed to provide adequate foreign capital for Stalin's investment programme
                            2. Greater Control
                              1. Stalin & Communists secured control of the countryside
                                1. Peasants never openly rebelled
                                  1. Secure supply of food for the towns and workers in the factories
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